Monitoring & Species Survey
We provide a range of survey methods and monitoring services necessary for assessing and monitoring habitat quality in marine and inland water systems and adjacent land areas.
These include water quality assessments, species composition, and surveys of above- and below-water habitat types using dive operations, site surveys, sampling, echosounder and drone surveys.
In our team, research divers with many years of experience take care of underwater data collection. Our field biologists collect data on land. The samples are analyzed in our laboratory, and the results are processed according to customer requirements, e.g. as a GIS layer.
- Water quality (probes for temperature, salinity, pH, O2; other parameters on request
- Nutrient analyses
- Research diving
- Macrozoobenthos (tube samples, scratch samples, dredge samples, grab samples)
- Macrophytobenthos
- Plankton studies
- Assessment of ecological status of coastal and flowing waters according to MSFD and WFD
- Red List species survey
- Mapping of biotope types
- Mapping of FFH habitat types
- Avifaunistic surveys
- Photo and video documentation, echosounder mapping, drone surveys
- Map production in GIS
Martina Mühl