CRM is your partner for environmental investigations and expert opinions in marine- or freshwater-related construction projects in Northern Germany - working for you with profound experience of our marine biologists and landscape ecologists.
We are researching three of the most burning questions in marine science: What treasures does the ocean hide that we can use in blue biotechnology? How can human activity and a healthy marine environment be reconciled? Can we obtain food from the sea in the future through sustainable aquaculture?
CRM has been working since 1993 with research and services in northern Germany, but also in European and international projects. Learn more about our history, our topics, our spin-offs and our team.

Coastal Research & Management – for the People and the Seas!

CRM is an interdisciplinary team of marine biologists, landscape ecologists and biotechnologists. We offer a broad portfolio of consulting services and perform applied research on marine topics. With this model, CRM has been successful since 1993 with a wide range of studies, consulting activities and research projects.

As a partner in networks of aquaculture, marine biotechnology and sustainable use of the seas, CRM is actively involved in the further development of these topics in Germany and Europe.

Our mission is the protection and sustainable use of the oceans. We pay special attention to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the UN (especially SDG 14) and their implementation.