Timo Jensen, Livia Saleh, Dominik Bents, Steffen Krohn, Yu-Chen Wu, Maria Mucke, Ammelie Svea Boje, Stefan Veltel, Steffen Hennig, Levent Piker, Matthias Peipp, Antje Labes (2023) Optimised protocols for RNA extraction from a broad taxonomic range of algae. J Appl Phycol 35, 1743–1753 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-023-02980-7
Rafael Meichssner, Marie Wilkens, Frauke Pescheck, Wolfgang Bilger (2023) The role of the epidermal physode layer in UV protection of Fucus species. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, 15:100174. DOI:10.1016/j.jpap.2023.100174
Svenja Karstens, Malte Dorow, Ralf Bochert, Nadine Stybel, Gerald Schernewski, Martina Mühl (2022) Stepping Stones Along Urban Coastlines – Improving Habitat Connectivity for Aquatic Fauna with Constructed Floating Wetlands. Coastal Wetlands, 42:76. DOI:10.1007/s13157-022-01598-8
Jonne Kotta, Urmas Raudsepp, Robert Szava-Kovats, Robert Aps, Aurelija Armoskaite, Ieva Barda, Per Bergström, Martyn Futter, Fredrik Gröndahl, Matthew Hargrave, Magdalena Jakubowska, Holger Jänes, Ants Kaasik, Patrik Kraufvelin, Nikolai Kovaltchouk, Peter Krost, Tomasz Kulikowski, Anneliis Kōivupuu, Ilmar Kotta, Liisi Lees, Sander Loite, Ilja Maljutenko, Göran Nylund, Tiina Paalme, Henrik Pavia, Ingrida Purina, Moona Rahikainen, Verena Sandow, Wouter Visch, Baoru Yang, Francisco R. Barboza (2022) Assessing the potential for sea-based macroalgae cultivation and its application for nutrient removal in the Baltic Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 839:156230. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156230
Rafael Meichssner, Peter Krost, Rüdiger Schulz (2021) Experimental testing of density- and season-dependent growth in vegetative Fucus aquaculture and modelling of growth over one year for different cultivation scenarios. Journal of Applied Phycology, 33:3939-3950. DOI:10.1007/s10811-021-02597-8
Rafael Meichssner, Peter Krost, Rüdiger Schulz (2021) Vegetative aquaculture of Fucus in the Baltic Sea – obtaining low-fertility biomass from attached or unattached populations? Journal of Applied Phycology, 33:1709-1720. DOI:10.1007/s10811-021-02419-x
Rafael Meichssner, Peter Krost, Rüdiger Schulz (2020) Control of fouling in the aquaculture of Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus by regular desiccation. Journal of Applied Phycology, 32:4145-4158. DOI:10.1007/s10811-020-02274-2
Jonne Kotta, Martyn Futter, Ants Kaasik, Kiran Liversage, Merli Rätsep, Francisco R. Barboza, Lena Bergström, Per Bergström, Ivo Bobsien, Eliecer Diaz, Kristjan Herkül, Per R. Jonsson, Samuli Korpinen, Patrik Kraufvelin, Peter Krost, Odd Lindahl, Mats Lindegart, Marten Moltke Lyngsgaard, Martina Mühl, Antonia Nyström Sandman, Helen Orav-Kotta, Marina Orlova, Henrik Skov, Jouko Rissanen, Andrius Šiaulys, Aleksandar Vidakovic, Elina Virtanen (2020) Response to a letter to editor regarding Kotta et al. 2020: Cleaning up seas using blue growth initiatives: Mussel farming for eutrophication control in the Baltic Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 709:138712. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138712
Jonne Kotta, Martyn Futter, Ants Kaasik, Kiran Liversage, Merli Rätsep, Francisco R. Barboza, Lena Bergström, Per Bergström, Ivo Bobsien, Eliecer Diaz, Kristjan Herkül, Per R. Jonsson, Samuli Korpinen, Patrik Kraufvelin, Peter Krost, Odd Lindahl, Mats Lindegart, Marten Moltke Lyngsgaard, Martina Mühl, Antonia Nyström Sandman, Helen Orav-Kotta, Marina Orlova, Henrik Skov, Jouko Rissanen, Andrius Šiaulys, Aleksandar Vidakovic, Elina Virtanen (2020) Cleaning up seas using blue growth initiatives: Mussel farming for eutrophication control in the Baltic Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 709:136144. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136144
Anna-Lucia Buer, Mark Nepf, Lukas Ritzenhofen, Marie Maar, Sven Dahlke, Rene Friedland, Peter Krost, Florian Peine, Gerald Schernewski (2020) Potential and feasibility of Mytilus spp. farming along a salinity gradient. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:371. DOI:10.3389/fmars.2020.00371
Mahasweta Saha, Robert M.W. Ferguson, Shawn Dove, Sven Künzel, Rafael Meichssner, Sven C. Neulinger, Finn Ole Petersen, Florian Weinberger (2020) Salinity and Time Can Alter Epibacterial Communities of an Invasive Seaweed. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10:2870. DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2019.02870
Signe Helle Ptak, Knud Christensen, Rafael Meichssner, Xavier Frette (2019) Improving Fucoidan Yield from Fucus Brown Algae by Microwave Extraction. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 74:109-114. DOI:10.3303/CET1974019
Gaoge Wang, Lirong Chang, Rui Zhang, Shasha Wang, Xiaojiao Wei, Esther Rickert, Peter Krost, Luyang Xiao, Florian Weinberger (2019) Can targeted defense elicitation improve seaweed aquaculture? Journal of Applied Phycology, 31:1845–1854. DOI:10.1007/s10811-018-1709-6
Kai Ahrendt, Horst Sterr, Peter Krost, Wilhelm Windhorst (2018) Potential, constrains and solutions for marine aquaculture in Kiel Bay & Fjord. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 22:115-130. DOI:10.1007/s11852-017-0509-5
Peter Krost, Matthias Goerres, Verena Sandow (2018) Wildlife corridors under water: an approach tp preserve marine biodiversity in heavily modified water bodies. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 22:87-104. DOI:10.1007/s11852-017-0554-0
Marion Zenthoefer, Ulf Geisen, Karsten Hofmann-Peiker, Markus Fuhrmann, Jannik Kerber, Renate Kirchhöfer, Steffen Hennig, Matthias Peipp, Roland Geyer, Levent Piker, Holger Kalthoff (2017) Isolation of polyphenols with anti-cancer activity from the Baltic Sea brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus using bioassay-guided fractionation. Journal of Applied Phycoplogy, 29:2021-2037. DOI:10.1007/s10811-017-1080-z
Ulf Geisen, Marion Zenthoefer, Matthias Peipp, Jannik Kerber, Johannes Plenge, Antonella Managò, Markus Fuhrmann, Roland Geyer, Steffen Hennig, Dieter Adam, Levent Piker, Gerald Rimbach, Holger Kalthoff (2015) Molecular Mechanisms by Which a Fucus vesiculosus Extract Mediates Cell Cycle Inhibition and Cell Death in Pancreatic Cancer Cells. Marine Drugs, 13:4470-4491. DOI:10.3390/md13074470
Yvonne Rößner, Peter Krost, Carsten Schulz (2014) Increasing seaweed crop yields through organic fertilisation at the nursery stage. Journal of Applied Phycology, 26:753-762. DOI:10.1007/s10811-014-0269-7
Simone Onur, Heiko Stöckmann, Marion Zenthoefer, Levent Piker, Frank Döring (2013) The Plant Extract Collection Kiel in Schleswig-Holstein (PECKISH) Is an Open Access Screening Library. Journal of Food Research, 2:101-106. DOI:10.5539/jfr.v2n4p10
Peter Krost, Stefan Rehm, Monika Kock, Levent Piker (2011) Leitfaden für eine nachhaltige marine Aquakultur. Eigenverlag. 78 pages.
Peter Krost (2020) Die ökonomische Seite der Aquakultur im deutschen Küstenraum. In : Konrad Ott, Carsten Schulz, Rüdiger Schulz (eds) Nachhaltige Aquakultur. Metropolis. pp 109-128.
Roberto Mayerle, Kadir Orhan, Wahyu W. Pandoe, Poerbandono, Peter Krost (2022) Decision tool for estimating energy potential from tidal resources. In: Tim C. Jennerjahn, Tim Rixen, Hari Eko Irianto, Joko Samiaji (eds) Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems (SPICE). Elsevier. pp 389-406.
Rafael Meichssner (2022) Makroalgenkultur in Deutschland am Beispiel von Fucus spp.: Erfahrungen, Schlüsse, offene Fragen. 13. Bundesalgenstammtisch, Frankfurt, Germany
Karin Lochte, Martina Blümel, Thomas Brück, Andreas Liese, Stefan Meyer, Levent Piker, Deniz Tasdemir, Claudia Thomsen (2022) Marine Biotechnologie und Bioökonomie in Deutschland. 13. Bundesalgenstammtisch, Frankfurt, Germany
Peter Krost, Luca Gerdes (2022) AQUATOR – Der Akzelerator für die Blaue Bioökonomie. Blaue Bioökonomie Symposium, Stralsund, Germany
Rafael Meichssner (2022) Anbau neuer Algenarten in der Ostsee und Hautaufhellung mithilfe von Algenextrakten. Blaue Bioökonomie Symposium, Stralsund, Germany
Martina Mühl (2022) Bioremediation mit Halophyten. BaMS Online-Konferenz
Peter Krost, Thekla Schultheiss (2022) Aquator, der Businessakzelerator für die Blau Bioökonomie. BaMS Online-Konferenz
Martina Mühl (2021) Constructed wetlands for bioremediation of saline waters and wastewaters. Nordverbund Marine Biotechnologie, Reihe “Aktuelles aus der Blauen Bioökonomie”, Online-Workshop Bioremediation
Peter Krost (2021) Der AQUATOR – Ein Inkubator/Akzelerator für die aquatische Bioökonomie. Werkstatt-Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft, online
Martina Mühl (2021) HaFF – Halophyten und andere Makrophyten zur Filtration von nährstoffbelastetem Ab- und Oberflächenwasser in Freilandkultur. BaMS Online-Konferenz
Martina Mühl (2021) Blaue Bioökonomie – Praxisbeispiele aus der Ostsee. Muthesius nachhaltig, online
Rafael Meichssner, Peter Krost, Tim Staufenberger, Rüdiger Schulz (2020) Aquaculture of Fucus-species in the Baltic Sea by means of vegetative reproduction. 12. Bundesalgenstammtisch, Kiel, Germany
Peter Krost (2019) Marine bioeconomy – Any future for a new and sustainable sector at European coasts? Kolloquium „Europeanising Coastal Regions“, Oldenburg, Germany
Peter Krost (2018) Ökologische und ökonomische Perspektiven nachhaltiger Aquakultur. Ausgewählte Kapitel der Toxikologie und Umweltmedizin, Kiel, Germany
Martina Mühl, Monika Kock, Verena Sandow, Karl-Heinz Kweton, Peter Krost (2018) A GIS Application For Underwater Wildlife Corridors. Coast GIS, Isafjördur, Iceland
Peter Krost (2018) On Sustainability in Baltic Aquaculture. Workshop Blue Growth, Riga, Latvia
Levent Piker (2017) How we gamble away the innovation and value-adding potential of marine living resources. Werkstatt-Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft: Praxis der Biomassenutzung, Kiel, Germany
Martina Mühl (2017) Baltic Blue Growth – Umweltmonitoring. Stakeholder-Meeting BBG, Kiel, Germany
Levent Piker (2017) From buds that may not burst – Biotechnology in Europe. Better Off Blue: Marine biobased materials and chemicals, Berlin
Levent Piker (2017) From Science to the Shelves – 17 years of sustainable maricultue in Kiel Fjord, Western Baltic Sea. Towards a blue bioeconomy: from research to market, European Maritime Day, Poole, Great Britain
Peter Krost (2016) Aquakultur an Deutschlands Meeresküsten: Probleme und Potentiale durch Klimawandel und Co. Workshop Biodiversität und Klimawandel, Bremerhaven, Germany
Matthias Goerres, Peter Krost, Birger Treimer, Karl-Heinz Kweton (2016) Development of a sublittoral biotope network in Kiel Fjord. 34th Annual Conference ‘Geography of Seas and Coasts’, Warnemünde, Germany
Peter Krost (2016) Seeweed: Production, Processing and Marketing: The Kiel example. Seaweed Symposium, Reykjavik, Iceland
Horst Sterr, Peter Krost, Kai Ahrendt (2015) Potentiale und Hemmnisse für marine Aquakultur in der Kieler Förde. Arbeitskreis Geographie der Meere und Küsten, Hamburg, Germany
Peter Krost (2015) Thick lipped mullet Chelon labrosus in Baltic integrated multitrophic aquaculture. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, Grenada, Spain
Peter Krost (2014) Nachhaltige Aquakultur und Markt. Nationaler Masterplan Maritime Technologien Workshop Marine Aquakultur, Berlin, Germany
Peter Krost (2014) Aquakultur und Klimawandel. RADOST Abschlusskonferenz, Rostock, Germany
Levent Piker, Christian Koch, Peter Krost, Inez Linke (2013) Variety creates wealth: Marine biodiverstity as a source for value added products. Aquaculture Forum, Bremerhaven, Germany
Peter Krost (2013) Mussels as core of an integrated marine aquaculture – New approaches in production and marketing of blue mussels. Aquaculture Forum, Bremerhaven, Germany
Peter Krost (2013) Miesmuscheln als Herzstück einer nachhaltigen marinen Aquakultur. Dialogforum „Fischerei & Aquakultur – Chancen und Risiken im Ostseeraum“, FORUM des Deutschen Meeresmuseums, Stralsund, Germany
Peter Krost (2012) Das Ecosma Projekt. Aquaculture Forum, Bremerhaven, Germany
Toni Schröder, Jana Stank, Peter Krost, Gerald Schernewski (2012) Effects of a mussel farm in a Baltic coastal water. ECSA 51th International Symposium, Klaipeda, Lithuania
Kathrin Steinberg, Bela H. Buck, Peter Krost, Stefan J. Wittke (2012) Utility of the Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis) as a Replacement of Fish Meal. Youmares 3, Lübeck, Germany
Yvonne Rößner, Peter Krost, Carsten Schulz (2012) Combination of Mytilus edulis and Saccharina latissima in IMTA – mutual or single-sided benefit? Aqua 2012 – Global Aquaculture-Securing our future, Prague, Czech Republic
Mohammad Zibdeh, Peter Krost, Mohammad Badran, Dror Angel, Dubi Helman (2010) Societal security and environmental impacts concerning mariculture in the Red Sea. NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme Information Day, Istanbul
Peter Krost (2010) Zukunftsstrategien für die Aquakultur – Fokusgebiet Kieler Förde. RADOST Jahreskonferenz, Schwerin, Germany
Rafael Meichssner, Mira Wilkens, Frauke Pescheck, Wolfgang Bilger (2022) The role of the epidermal physode layer in UV protection of brown algae. Meeting 2022 – UV4Plants Assiciation, Krakow, Poland; Botanik-Tagung, Bonn, Germany
Martina Mühl (2022) Bioremediation mit Halophyten – Projekt HaFF. Blaue Bioökonomie Symposium, Stralsund, Germany
Maria Mucke, Timo Jensen, Dominik Bents, Steffen Hennig, Matthias Peipp, Stefan Veltel (2021) Redox enzymes from algae as innovative tools in the bio-industry. D-A-CH Algen Summit, Vienna, Austria; 13. Bundesalgenstammtisch, Frankfurt, Germany
Tim Staufenberger, Peter Krost, Jan Schröder, Matthias Schaber, Christoph Petereit (2014) Die Meeräsche – Ein alter Bekannter neu entdeckt. European Commission – DG MARE Event: INSEPARABLE –Eat; Buy, Sell sustainable fish, Hamburg, Germany
Ivo Bobsien, Verena Sandow, Peter Krost (2013) Abgefressen, überwuchert, versandet. Klimzug Abschlusskonferenz, Berlin, Germany
Yvonne Rößner, Peter Krost, Carsten Schulz (2012) Mussel production potential in an urban environment in the Western Baltic Sea. Aland Aquaculture Week, Mariehamm, Finnland
Yvonne Rößner, Peter Krost, Carsten Schulz (2012) Potential of Aquaculture Along a Salinity Gradient in the German Western Baltic Sea. Blue Biotec Cooperation Event – New Strategies and Future Perspectives, Kiel, Germany
Tim Staufenberger, Yvonne Rößner, Peter Krost (2012) Climate change and future perspectives of aquaculture at the German Baltic Sea coast. Blue Biotec Cooperation Event – New Strategies and Future Perspectives, Kiel, Germany
Susanne Woldmann, Peter Krost, Anne Trautmann, Karin Schwarz, Florian Nagel, Carsten Schulz (2012) Blue Mussels – Alternative Resource for Fishfood? Blue Biotec Cooperation Event – New Strategies and Future Perspectives, Kiel, Germany
Dror Angel, Shirra Freeman, Irina Korchenkov, Peter Krost, Michael Schultz, Horst Sterr, Eran Vigoda-Gadot (2010) Factors that affect public perception of marine aquaculture in Germany and Israel. European Aquaculture Society Meeting, Porto, Portugal
Dror Angel, Shirra Freeman, Irina Korchenkov, Peter Krost, Michael Schultz, Horst Sterr, Eran Vigoda-Gadot (2010) Public awareness of marine aquaculture: Model and Key Relationships based on Israeli and German Experience. European Aquaculture Society Meeting, Porto, Portugal
Dror Angel, Peter Krost, Mohammad Badran, Mohammad Zibdeh, Dubi Helman (2010) Dynamics in sediment biogeochemistry following the removal of net-cage fish farms in the northern Gulf of Aqaba. Israel Association for Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Eilat, Israel