Marine Environmental Research
The use of the seas and coasts by humans is becoming increasingly intensive. Coastal waters are used for the transport of goods, for food through fishing and aquaculture, for energy production and, last but not least, for recreation and tourism. Recent trends even focus on settling the coasts with floating houses and cities.
In order to preserve the marine environment in its diversity and beauty, human-sea interactions must be designed in such a way that use does not become overuse. CRM has been advocating for this since 1993.
Without a deep understanding of marine biology and ecology, sustainable use of the ocean is not possible. That is why CRM conducts research on a wide range of marine biology and ecology topics, always with the aim of finding solutions to make marine use sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Whether it is the protection of harbor porpoises during construction measures in the Baltic Sea or strategies for adapting the Baltic Sea coast to climate change, whether the spread of bladder wrack is being studied or practical solutions for reducing nutrient input from agriculture are to be found: We apply our expertise to research.
Integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) with algae and mussels, the design of a marine biotope network, and the sustainable extraction and processing of marine raw materials are among our fixed research priorities.
Dipl. Biol. Martina Mühl